Hello World . . . We're Going on Another Trip
At the Brooklyn Bridge back on our 2010 trip. |
As of right now, the blog will mainly serve as a record of sorts of our epic Ireland/NYC 2013 trip. We hope to give you, our family and friends, a slice of how our trip is going and to help you share in our wonderful experience (fingers crossed). It would be amazing for me to tell you that we will be diligent about updating the blog everyday, but I don't write checks that my body can't cash. It'll also be a bit interesting when we get to Ireland as I don't know how often we'll have access to the Internet while we're there (not saying Ireland doesn't have Internet, just not sure how readily accessible it will be). In any case, for more up to the minute details of our journey; be sure to follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
Like Ferris Bueller said . . .
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.Till next time.
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